Six Counties Kidney Patients' Association

Six Counties Kidney Patients’ Association

Run by Patients for Patients since 1969
Registered UK Charity
No: 282361

Branch Associations

During the pandemic, branch meetings were cancelled.  However meetings have now resumed with dates being posted on the Home page and each individual branch page.

These branches meet regularly with a social occasion for a drink, talk about kidney disease, have a bite to eat or ANYTHING.  They are very informal, very relaxed and very therapeutic.

If you wish, you can help raise funds as well! For instance some of our branches charge a small “tithe” (probably £1) for attending each supper. This goes straight to branch funds.

If you live in one of these areas and need to talk to someone about what you are going through, please get in contact by emailing your respective branch secretary.

Please note, our branch social meetings are for patients, carers and anyone interested in or impacted by kidney disease.

Become a member of the SCKPA
If you would like to join the SCKPA, meet other kidney patients, attend our branch and general meetings and help support our valuable work, click here to print a membership form. The address for posting is on the form.

Complete a Gift Aid Declaration – if you are a UK tax payer, please also print, sign and return with your membership form.